Looking through my Facebook feed this morning, I had a reminder of one of my favorite memories involving my youngest son, Colt.
In June 2015, he was finishing his first-grade year. My husband and I, along with many other parents, dutifully arrived at the elementary school for the annual awards ceremony followed by a small reception in the classroom where parents could grab a piece of cake and then peruse the typical hallway billboard décor done by the students. We expected something similar to the one below:
That one owl has seen some things!
However, what we expected, wasn't what we got. Instead of owls or caterpillars or craft offerings, we were greeted with this:
Shots are short sentences that are misspelled and punctuated incorrectly. The student has to mark and then edit each sentence.
In a huge billboard full of little handwriting, where students had listed what they most liked about their education that year, Colt's entry blared from the page. "I like to do shots."
We, and several other parents, sat there looking startlingly like that "one owl" for quite a while before we realized what he'd meant. Though we had a good laugh over it, the incident brought to mind just how unexpected life can be...especially when it's regarding things we don't think about often - like insurance.
Summer is in the thick of hurricane season and, though we think it will never happen to us, the news is filled with stories of people who lost their homes, transportation, or lives due to storm and wind activity. Even those who don't suffer a major loss, are often unprepared for the aftermath of such an event which can include no phones, water, or electricity and even the possibility of income loss.
Fast Fact: Insurance carriers will not write any new home or auto policies for some areas in Texas once a storm passes a certain point. If you wait until you know it will affect your area, it's often too late to get or change coverage!
There are many things you can do to help yourself and those you love during times like these. The best way is to be prepared beforehand. Things such as knowing the best evacuation route, building a disaster supply, strengthening your home, and having an insurance checkup help to make sure you are fully covered in the case of a loss.
Having lost our own home in Hurricane Rita, I cannot stress enough just how important it is to know that you will be able to put your life back together as quickly as possible and how important it is to be proactive and make sure you're properly covered before a disaster hits.
At First Insurance Services, we want to make sure that you are prepared for whatever comes your way this storm season. We offer home, auto, life, health, and many more policies all designed to make sure you're properly covered regardless of what comes your way. We also have a variety of companies, including Progressive, Travelers, Allstate and many more to ensure that you get the best price and service for your premium. We will be happy to take the time to prepare a quote for you and, should you have a loss covered by one of our policies, we're committed to getting you back to normal as quickly as possible so that you can get back to the good surprises in life. Come see us today and let us know how we can best serve you and don't forget to visit our website www.1stinsurance.net and our Facebook page for photos, information, and more (including an emergency supply checklist)!
Blog Post By: DeAnn McDride