While you are traveling this holiday here is some advice from AAA.
Are you and your family planning to drive to a holiday get-together this year? Whether you’re heading to Grandma’s cottage or a favorite vacation spot to celebrate holidays with family or friends, AAA has simple tips to help make your drive a smooth one, so you can arrive at your destination safely and without incident.
- Ensure your vehicle is properly maintained. If maintenance is not up to date, have your car and tires inspected before you take a long drive.
- Map your route in advance and be prepared for busy roads during the most popular times of the year. If possible, consider leaving earlier or later to avoid heavy traffic.
- Keep anything of value in the trunk or covered storage area.
- If you’re traveling with children, remind them not to talk to strangers. Go with them on bathroom breaks and give them whistles to be used only if the family gets separated.
- Have roadside assistance contact information on hand, in case an incident occurs on the road.
- In case of an emergency, keep a cell phone and charger with you at all times. AAA and many other companies offer smartphone applications that enable motorists to request help without making a phone call.
With a little prep, you can leave the road-trip stress at home and enjoy your holiday with family and friends.
We also recommend checking the weather report, buckle up, slow down and don't drive impaired. Be well rested and alert on your way. Follow the rules of the road, don't text and drive. Let your co-pilot handle the phone and maps and the kids... Giving your full attention to the road will help you make it home to grandma and that wonderful meal she is preparing!! If your trip is long, stop often and rotate drivers. If you are to sleepy - Stop and get some rest. If you are driving in the northern states where ice and snow happensand you get stuck, STAY PUT. Don't try to walk to safety. Tie a brightly colored cloth to the antenna for rescuers to see. Start the car and use the heater for about 10 minutes every hour. Keep the exhaust pipe clear so fumes won't back up in the car. Leave the overhead light on when the engine is running to help rescuers see the vehicle. Keep one window away from the blowing wind slightly open to let in air. Carry an emergency preparedness kit in the trunk. Keep your car's gas tank full for emergency use and to keep the fuel line from freezing. Don’t forget to talk with your insurance agent about car and health insurance for your family!