Last week, with all of the rain we experienced, many schools were closed . . . but not my child’s. He doggedly dragged himself out of bed hoping all the while that his school, the last one holding out in our area, would cancel classes. It didn’t happen. He went to his first day and that evening got home finally resigning himself to the fact that he wasn’t getting time off for the weather. And then the call came. Our phone rang around 5:30 and the automated voice said that his school would be closed for the next two days. My husband called him into the room and gave him the news.
Now, my son doesn’t know the words to the Hallelujah chorus, but he did his best rendition all the way down the hallway to his room. We had a good laugh over it, but it suggests that there is always something good in any situation. For those friends, family and neighbors dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey – our prayers and hearts are with you. If you’ve suffered damage, be sure to notify your insurance company and agent promptly so that they can help you begin the recovery process. Also, Refer back to our BLOG post Titled "Harvey". There are some useful links in that post should you need some assistance. We are praying with you!